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AWS Certified AI Practitioner

  • 4 Weeks


The AWS Certified AI Practitioner (AIF-C01) exam is intended for individuals who can effectively demonstrate overall knowledge of AI/ML, generative AI technologies, and associated AWS services and tools, independent of a specific job role. The exam also validates a candidate’s ability to complete the following tasks: • Understand AI, ML, and generative AI concepts, methods, and strategies in general and on AWS. • Understand the appropriate use of AI/ML and generative AI technologies to ask relevant questions within the candidate’s organization. • Determine the correct types of AI/ML technologies to apply to specific use cases. • Use AI, ML, and generative AI technologies responsibly. The following content domains: • Domain 1: Fundamentals of AI and ML • Domain 2: Fundamentals of Generative AI • Domain 3: Applications of Foundation Models • Domain 4: Guidelines for Responsible AI • Domain 5: Security, Compliance, and Governance for AI Solutions





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